
About King Context.

In short: on context, (streaming) (big) data & information architecture.

More info soon. Someday.

Getting started is the hardest part

I should start writing to structure my opinions and thoughts.

Here’s the idea.

Pocket is my collection of past and present ideas. Pick a preferably recently saved article link from Pocket, read and formulate comments and thoughts. In theory there should always be some opinion, because after all, I saved the link for a (good) reason. Unless of course the article is a real disappointment, which is obviously also just an opinion.

Becoming aware of your thoughts is the biggest challenge here. And after that, its just a matter of making them explicit. This is my attempt to write down ideas and thoughts, or at least to get starting doing so.

And to stop thinking about it.

Here it is, I started.

Context: 17 Quick Ways To Get Great Blog Content Ideas

Just write every day and you’ll be surprised what comes out. Get ahead of yourself, keep an ideas doc.